Friday, March 29, 2024

How to solve the Refugee Immigration

Refugees coming to Australia - How to solve the problem

lets solve three problem with one simple action.

Rather than spending money sending Boat People to Malaysia, now Nauru, we could start a Vegetable farming Industry  Program in Northern  Australia's get the Boat People involved, let them earn there right to live in this country, this would also save the Australian taxpayer millions of dollars, there is a shortage of Housing in our City's and not enough work for them. House them in the North by building Dome Concrete Dwellings.
It would be a costly exercise for Australia to send them to Malaysia with no benefits, because our North is so vast and unpopulated, this would also be a deterrent for some and not such a popular place to live. By having them work the land this would be good for refugees and Australia would benefit in the longer term, set this up in a isolated location not easy for them to leave.

Boat people usually come from poor Countries in Harsh conditions, i believe they would adapt very quickly, rather than treating them like criminals. We could assess the genuine ones very quickly.

If people are able to grow food in countries like India and feed Millions i don't see why it would be a problem growing food in Australia. Governments and Bureaucrats are the problem not refugees.

This way they the Government could access there worth as good future citizens, rather than send them to Malaysia, our City's are not able to support them with the shortage of Housing, but this would solve a major need and problem facing Australia today.

Australia is a large Country with rich Mineral Earth in our north not only Mining can benefit from this rich Country. As a young man i have worked up north through the Murchison and Gascoyn in Western Australia, and have seen how Lush the vegetation can be after heavy rain's.

On one Station a Stock-man had a vegetable garden at a Windmill where they extracted water for the Sheep, he had a small area fenced off and grew the best looking vegetables you could ever immagin.

I have been told because the north is zoned as only for Station's to run sheep and
cattle, its zoning does not allow growing vegetables on a large scale, Mining is the
major Industry. Where is the brains in this, (I'm yet to establish the truth )

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