Friday, March 29, 2024

How serious are they

What a lot of bullshit

Putting people into the work force, in Australia

The Australian Federal Government: Julia Gillard PM talking about putting more people into the work force, how serious are they.
Talking to a Mate of mine in South Australia, he is an Electrician, and just recently renewed his Licence in South Australia, it cost him approximate $370.00, Now he is contemplating going to Western Australia, where the work is at a Mining site, again he has to get another licence and pay another $370.00 to cover him in Western Australia. What a lot of Bullshit, how serious is the federal Government in what they say getting people back into the work force.

No need for him to sit for an exam or be tested, the regulations are the same, it’s just another way for Governments to extract money from the average Man on the street.
They would rather bring people from overseas.

On a TV Program P.M. Ms J.Gillard says she is the best for the job, well that doesn't say much for her Party.

The Labor Leadership challenge WHY ?

What did it prove, are they trying to find a way to gain public respect, this has only made them look like a stupid lot of MPs, who are not capable of running this Government.         Cancer takes more than six months to heal.

Australian Government

We the masses must stand up and be counted as individuals, not to be dictated to by those we elect, Governments should adhere to our needs.

Governments once elected should not see their position in Government as Dictators, we are not a Communist Country. Governments once elected should listen to the people first, and there party should administer the wishes of the Australian people.

They should go out into the community and talk to the people on the street, not just at election time, it should be there portfolio.

Political blunder

Political Blunder
Quote: As published in a news paper,
Tanks, carriers to stand idle after a billion $ spent
A bungled Defence program that poured almost $1 billion of tax payers money into upgrading a fleet of personnel carriers could end with many of the vehicles left idle in a warehouse.
Australian Federal Government. These people are suppose to be smart people who are running our Country. God Help Us.
These are my thoughts:
Our so called Leaders are to blame for another costly blunder, they don't publish there mistakes, we have to read it in the news paper,
This money could have been spent on poor Pensioners, if we make a small amount to supplement our Pension, over the limit dictated by them we have it taken off our Pension.
As i said on one of my previous Blogs, let the Senior Pensioner earn as much as they can over and above the miserable amount they get from there miserable Pension, from all the taxes they have paid all there  lives.

What harm would it do the Country if they could make some extra money, by doing odd jobs without being victimized, to give them a holiday, or spend it as they wish. would this harm the Australian economy. NO.  But the Government would rather Blunder our money on TANKS, to store in a shed until they are obsolete, if not already. maybe this is the reason or maybe they would make the previous Liberal Party get credit from a good decision. Who knows how our so called Leaders think.

Mining our Country for the Chinese

How i see it in simple terms.
Australia or Western Australia is going through a Mining boom and exporting our Iron ore to China at what expense to our future, we may not see a threat now but remember, china plan's years ahead, they build for the future, and it may take years to achieve there goal. not like our governments. they are like Yo Yo"s  remember before the last war Japan was buying our Pig Iron and Bob Menzies was nick named pig Iron Bob.

China is building a Great nation and what hope would we have at defending our small Country against 1.3 Billion people. if China decided to take us over. I remember flying out of Kunming Airport and they had fighter jets covered with tarp's, I believe they do this at every Airport through out China.
They are not going to get caught out again as they did in the last war against the Jap's, this way by having there Air-force scattered all over China, they are not vulnerable if attacked.

In contrast, example our Government stores our TANKS in mothballs and probably will forget where they are.
We should be building our Defense with our Iron Ore wealth, against a possible future attack from Nations like China and Indonesia, would they not love to have this country.
I don't trust the Chinese, go there and see how they conduct them selves, the men they are ruthless, and it is a Nation run by Dictators, they don't think as we do, but they are a smart Nation of People, they are business minded, and could show us a lot.

I know they think of us as stupid. you only have to watch our parliamentarians to see that. a bunch of misfits, fighting among them selves, point scoring, like a lot of Idiots. how the Chinese Government would see us. They would see us as not a threat or a Nation who could defend ourselves.
WAKE UP AUSTRALIANS take hold of the reins as my Step father would say. lets elect a Leader who has balls, and can get this Country together as a NATION.



What do you believe would happen if we started a Party run through Computers, there would be a massive backlash from Politicians at first, but it would be better than what we have now.
This might sound a little far fetched, but it is feasible, a computer programmed to syphone all the information to give a true picture, and then take action as to how the Country should be run.

Do we need Politicians and members of Government No, I believe we are at a time in history where we could scrap Governments as we know them, but have a body of people, voted in by the people of Australia, through a web site, have a large computer web site where we can vote on every issue.

I would like to see a movement where we DON'T VOTE IN THE NEXT ELECTION for any party, what would happen if we all just wrote BULLSHIT on the Election Forms.

Have a web site where we can vote on any issue, so it becomes the law of the Country, and Politicians are there only to see it is administered.

On this issue lets also scrap all Banks except for one Bank, the peoples Bank,  where we all have our super invested, then our super would not be stolen, and we all have a bank book to see where our money is, same as they have in Thailand, and when i was going to school.

look at how much money would be saved.

VOICE YOUR THOUGHTS, every thing starts with a thought.

Power of a PM or is it.....

COMPUTER PARTY not a stupid idea when you hear a speech on the BUDGET and what the Labor Government have to offer. 


Why do we trust and rely on Government Ministers to make major decisions on important Issues, when there are better qualified people in Australia to make those  decisions.

Government PMs no better than a Dictators, Why should a Prime Minister dictate to the Australian People, when they are not qualified to do so, 
I should think those in our universities would be better educated to make major decision, a panel of people with diverse skills and education.

Why is our Prime Minister who was once a Lawyer, working for a Boss, able to dictate to Australians, what she believes is best for all Australians. Although the Government is made up of Party Members they still do not have the knowledge that is needed to run a country, and they are puppets when it comes to making major decisions.

These Questions have always bugged me and I don’t have the answers, do you?

In Australia we elect a Government, either those already governing or those in
Opposition and they have their Boss already waiting for the kill.
The people have to vote even if they don’t like any Party up for election, it is compulsory, or they can have a donkey vote and not vote for any misfits.

The Party Boss
The party is elected and the boss of the party who is elected becomes a PM and turns into a fighting, cock, who gains all this Power, over everyone,  a normal person would be sent to a Mental Institution, but not the PM she is now in a position to dictate to all Australians, It starts to affect the brain, the voice changes, and it can talk down to people and the media. this sense of power, not Just sitting on the front bench quiet and looking up to her leader with googly eyes any more, now she has the power.........and that’s where the rot sets in.

Australian PM Julia Gillard is now in China with her Communist friends. with her red hair she will probably be invited to join the Chinese Communist Party.

Could she be a double agent

How to solve the Refugee Immigration

Refugees coming to Australia - How to solve the problem

lets solve three problem with one simple action.

Rather than spending money sending Boat People to Malaysia, now Nauru, we could start a Vegetable farming Industry  Program in Northern  Australia's get the Boat People involved, let them earn there right to live in this country, this would also save the Australian taxpayer millions of dollars, there is a shortage of Housing in our City's and not enough work for them. House them in the North by building Dome Concrete Dwellings.
It would be a costly exercise for Australia to send them to Malaysia with no benefits, because our North is so vast and unpopulated, this would also be a deterrent for some and not such a popular place to live. By having them work the land this would be good for refugees and Australia would benefit in the longer term, set this up in a isolated location not easy for them to leave.

Boat people usually come from poor Countries in Harsh conditions, i believe they would adapt very quickly, rather than treating them like criminals. We could assess the genuine ones very quickly.

If people are able to grow food in countries like India and feed Millions i don't see why it would be a problem growing food in Australia. Governments and Bureaucrats are the problem not refugees.

This way they the Government could access there worth as good future citizens, rather than send them to Malaysia, our City's are not able to support them with the shortage of Housing, but this would solve a major need and problem facing Australia today.

Australia is a large Country with rich Mineral Earth in our north not only Mining can benefit from this rich Country. As a young man i have worked up north through the Murchison and Gascoyn in Western Australia, and have seen how Lush the vegetation can be after heavy rain's.

On one Station a Stock-man had a vegetable garden at a Windmill where they extracted water for the Sheep, he had a small area fenced off and grew the best looking vegetables you could ever immagin.

I have been told because the north is zoned as only for Station's to run sheep and
cattle, its zoning does not allow growing vegetables on a large scale, Mining is the
major Industry. Where is the brains in this, (I'm yet to establish the truth )

AUSTRALIA - where is our Constitition

Do we have a Constitution ?

A good question, where is our Constitution, I have never seen the Australian Constitution.
Talking to a friend who has been to the United States, he said all Americans have access to there Constitution.
I believe it should be accessible to every Australian Citizen, it should be in every Library, and taught in ever school.

What does the Australian Government have to hide, is there some thing in the Constitution they don't want Australians Citizens to know, how can they make or change laws when we don't know what the Constitution stand for.

Only Paulien Hanson's Party has had the initiative to send a copy of the Constitution, on there Web Site for people to read. What have Government's got to hide.

Housing Problem another reason why..........

Another reason why Australia should be run by a Computer Party
Do Politicians ever get it right

see this link on Housing:

A housing complex in Fremantle where there are many Elderly people, and a few misfits, i noticed they are starting to be occupied by none Australians, Africans, possibly boat people.  Why is it Australians have to wait for between 4 to 6 years to get placed into Public Housing. I know of one man, Australian aged 63 who has worked hard all his life in Australia  and has been refused a Homes West, Home.

Is this not discrimination against the Australian Citizen. why do they have more rights than Australians Citizens.


Pensioners 65 and over

Be wary you poor old Pensioner's

When the Labor party was in power, 
will it continue now the Libs are in.

This is why we have to change our Governing System, They don't work for you but against you.

Are all Government Parties the same

This was sent to me from a good source, I can not say it is going to happen but I would not trust a Politician.

When Gillard was dictating to us

The National Disability Insurance Scheme which we are all paying for is going before Parliament at present. 
I was listening to a panel discussion last Friday and was curious as to why the CEO of Disability Services Australia was less than enthusiastic about the Scheme in its present form. It was pointed out that anyone 65 years or older would not be covered by the scheme, the reason being it would make the scheme cost  prohibitive (given an aging population etc). If you have a disability at the time you reach 65 years of age you will be covered for the benefits of the scheme when you pass age 65. If you become disabled at age 65 or over you will not be covered and there is no other safety net scheme to provide support and services other than present State and private Health Insurance product/services. 

The Disability Services representative on the panel pointed out that a large number of disability cases in the community affect elderly people who by misfortune have a stroke leading to partial or greater permanent disability, folk with bone degenerative disease, osteoporosis etc, other degenerative disease- Dementia,
Parkinson's and the like, plus serious accidental- broken hips, etc.

From age 65 and older none of these people are covered and as was pointed out the impact of this exclusion would include large numbers of baby boomers, parents and grandparents of the current 25-40 year olds. I have not heard one mention of this exclusion from any of the Politicians from both sides. What was mentioned from a legal participant in last Friday's panel discussion was that the Federal Government tinkered carefully with the title of NDIS, so as to have a loop hole against future litigation for discriminating against a section of the Australian
population with a Nationally funded program. Apparently the trick is in
the use of the word "Insurance" in the scheme. From a Western Australian perspective, I can also understand Colin Barnett's reticence to sign up to the scheme. Our current state run disability scheme offers more comprehensive and superior services to that of the services proposed by the NDIS and there are no age exclusions. It was pointed out that with the present proposal if we are
part of the NDIS our level of services will decrease.

My own view is that while the concept of an NDIS is laudable, I question why in main younger 30-40 year oldies are paying an increased Medicare levy to fund a scheme that would not cover their parents and elderly dear ones, in the event of disability. In the age 30 to 40 group young people are career focussed, have a lot of cost in their lives, getting established with a house, raising young children etc, so the scheme should be funded from consolidated revenue and not yet another levy.
They also mentioned in the panel discussion that around 1000 Commonwealth Public Service FTE's would be required to administer the Scheme from Canberra, again I have great concern about the efficiency of this, given the present Federal Governments track record with the Home Insulation Program, Better Schools Program, management of Australian border protection and the like.

If you feel inclined please forward this email on so at least there will be a better awareness of the pitfalls and oversights in the hurried put together of the NDIS- in that way we can get it changed to cover all the Australian population. Thank you.
Just had to share this with you   two massive Glass Pyramids three times bigger than the Egyptian pyramids under the ocean off the coast of Bermuda.
Makes you wonder how much greater are the mysteries of the world we could never imagine, 

Price fixing by Governments

Since writing this editorial politician's getting money from every vote has been scrapped, thanks to popular opinion from the Australian People, we must all stand up and voice our rights, not let Governments think they have power over the People. 
They are there only to represent us, not to control us, this is not a communist country, Julia might think so.
Since posting this Blog i have learnt the Politition's Bob Hawk, Kim Beasley, Gough Whitlam, scraped our Australian Constitution of the Commonwealth (a red book) the false one they replaced it with is a (green book)  thats not all they have done, they changed the Insignia from the commonwealth to the one you see now on document's in every government departments and buildings, the kangaroo and Emu.  this is Treason at its best, the worst of it is all government parties have run with it, they are all acting in TREASON. 
to change a Constitution it has to be voted on by the people. Polititions can't just change the constitution without it being voted in by the majority of the Australian People.
because this treasonous misleading act was done over 40 years ago the people today don't know, the only ones that know are the older generation, pensioners, 

That's also why they took control of your kids to brain wash them into believing all is normal, i talk to as many people as possible younger than me, and most don't know they are living under a treasonous government, 

The Australian Federal Government is at it again, are they  going to legislate to get money for every vote, from the Australian People, and the opposition is going to bed with them, cunning, deceitful, greedy.

Why, is it possible for Governments to fix price’s when it is unlawful for a business to fix prices.
If you run a business you would never employ people like them, no one would trust doing business with you, and you would go broke.
Now I know why the Country has a massive billion dollar deficit. We employ the wrong people. I thought the Liberals would be better than what we had to endure for the last six years.  But they have just lost my Vote.

No I've just had a back Flip, I will vote for them now, Maybe, there is still a few months to go, I might change my mind again.

STOP PRESS: 1400 Thursday 30th May
Tony has had a change of thought and back-flipped on this cunning greedy motive by Julia to get a$1 from every voter, (trying to scam money from the poor public) and she is fuming,  her response on TV 24 Tony is to blame, now what is she going to do for money when she loses the next election.
Julia will be lined up at Centerlink looking for a job, I don't believe any one will employ her,


SEE also

PAULEEN HANSON has popped her head up again, waiting for the opposition parties to chop it off. good for her we need people like her to keep them in line.

Just having two major Parties in Australia does not work, and the independents are  fucking useless, see what they did when we had a HUNG PARLIAMENT they voted for Julia and what have we got , Billions of dollars in Debt.